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Nutri2Cyle has prepared a set of EIP-agri practice abstracts!


The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) has been launched as a service of the European Commission in 2012 to contribute to the European Union’s strategy ‘Europe 2020’ for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The EIP-AGRI website (https://ec.europa.eu/eip/agriculture/) has exciting and interactive features. All visitors can voice their research needs, discover funding opportunities for innovation projects and look for partners to connect with.

As practice oriented multi-actor project the Nutri2Cycle consortium is committed to also produce a set of EIP-agri abstracts. EIP-agri abstracts are short stakeholder oriented abstracts which aim at bringing results and lessons learned within the project to practitioners to achieve maximal impact. Our contributions on developments in the project, in form of these abstracts can therefore be followed on the abovementioned website as well.

Do you want to learn more about the 5 major research lines within the Nutri2Cycle project and already get a sneak preview on some of the research work that is currently being done in frame of work package 2? Practice abstracts have been submitted, upon approval they will be made public, so check our website (https://www.nutri2cycle.eu/), the EIP-Agri website and our social media (@Bioref_Cluster) regularly. 

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