“On december 3, a webinar about the agricultural use of fertilising products of residual origin (called “MAFOR”) in France took place. It was organised by the Chamber of agriculture of Charente-Maritime and the Permanent Assembly of Chambers of Agriculture for the network of experts in nutrient recycling from the Chambers of agriculture and departemental councils, to overview the regulation situation and the knowledge level about bio-based fertilising products use. The morning was focused on the French situation, with interventions about the regulation, the standardization and the research. The afternoon dealed with the European situation, with two interventions bout the N2C project. Aurore Assaker from Ghent University presented the whole project and its challenges and David Fangueiro presented the research topics led by ISA of Lisboa within N2C project. The end of the webinar brougth a very good feedback about the N2C project presentations. The membership main majority of the French NTF was present to the webinar.”