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Nutri2Cycle in the Nutrient Recycling Community


As member of the Biorefine Cluster Europe, Nutri2Cycle is actively committed in the Nutrient Recycling Community, which aims to foster collaboration with relevant initiatives and projects in Europe related with nutrient recycling and serve as a platform to exchange knowledge and good practices.

In order to be more effective, the Community is structured around 5 sub-groups, which have been defined as follows:

  • Technologies for nutrient recovery
  • Agronomic performance of fertilising products
  • Sustainability assessment (environmental, economic and social)
  • New business models and market opportunities for BBFs
  • Policy

Nutri2Cycle plays an active role in this Community by leading the Working Group on policy, which scope is to discuss the legal hurdles and the potential solutions for nutrient recycling and recovery.

The project already submitted some policy recommendations, including those on health soil and the better management of nutrients. Within the Nutrient Recycling Community, the collaboration between projects resulted in a first joint position paper on the need for an unambiguous definition by the European Commission regarding the waste/manure status of ammonium salts derived from off-gas cleaning associated to treatment of manure or manure-derived products.

Currently the WG on policy is focusing its activities on different EU consultations as well as the Nutrient Management Action Plan.

Nutri2Cycle is also actively involved in other Working Groups where the project partners share their expertise and experiences with EU fellow projects with the aim to set a common ground for further collaboration.

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