In order to facilitate closing the nutrient cycle loop within the agro-industrial food supply chain, the Nutri2Cycle consortium partner researchers {...}
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CREDA-UPC-IRTA has designed a first approximation of the Discrete Choice Experiment to analyze consumers’ purchase intention (PI) and willingness {...}
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An international consortium of companies and research institutes participate into European project (Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient {...}
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Processing pig manure is gaining increased attention in Europe, especially in areas with large pig manure surpluses (e.g., The Netherlands, Belgium, {...}
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In May 2019 the Dutch Council of State ruled that the Dutch nitrogen policy, “Programma Aanpak Stikstof” (PAS), conflicted with the European {...}
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Nutri2Cycle is assessing new innovations for the recovery of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and carbon (C) within the agricultural sector – more {...}
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The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) has been launched as a service of the European {...}
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With the SAFEMANURE Stakeholder Workshop in Seville (28-30 January 2020) now in the rear-view mirror, all eyes are on the next discussions about {...}
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On October 7, 2019, Cartif participated in a workshop entitled "Use as fertilizer of the waste generated in the production of almonds" in the town {...}
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National Task Force: After the Kick-off meeting and official presentation of The Portuguese NTF in October 2019, we had a first workshop on the {...}
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The proposed solution aims to apply organic fertilizer (mainly solid fraction of slurry) in vineyards at variable rate, complemented, if needed, {...}
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Who are we ? The Chamber of agriculture of Charente-Maritime (CA17) belongs to the network of the Chambers of agriculture which is, since {...}
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